Using an Minolta SR/MD/MC lens on Nikon

I will try to make this a good guide to using older Minolta SR/MD/MC lenses on Nikon bodys. The first question is, is it really possible to use an Minolta lens on an Nikon body? The awnser is yes, it is.

What you need is an adapter for the mount. You are looking for an adapter with an optical element inside to correct to focal scales so you can use infinity focus.

Okey, so now we know its possible and that there is adapters on the market. But where to buy one? First google around and see if there is an camera store in your area who sells these. I did not find any stores here in Sweden so i went to eBay. Found a seller in HongKong, one week later it arrived.


This is how the adapter looks. Adapter comes with front and rear lens caps (left) Minolta mount of the lens (center) Nikon mount (right)

Now, the quality on these products are not the best. My adapter did not fit perfectly. I needed to use sandpaper to grind some of the metal on the adapters Minolta mount off. About 1mm. I probably got one from a bad batch.

Minolta SR lens on Nikon D40

Here the Rokkor 58mm f/1.4 is mounted on my Nikon D40. Notice that the Minolta lens sits on its side.

Using the adapter is pretty simple. You attatch your Minolta lens to the “Minotla side” of the adapter. Then you mount it on your Nikon body.

On my D40 it only works if you have the camera set to manual (M) mode. Then you will have to change the shutter speed and exposure yourself. An exposure of -0.3 EV seems to be good for me.

There is no meetering so you will have to meeter with your eye. Setting your shutter is done with the camera as usual, the aperture is set by the lens aperture ring.

Test shot with the Rokkor 58mm f/1.4 using my Nikon D40

This is a test photo using the Rokkor 58mm f/1.4.

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